
Districts of all sizes join DCNTP as a consortium to support new educators, mentors, instructional coaches, and leaders, capitalizing on the rich networking among other districts. 
2023-2024 Member Districts
Baraboo School District
Cambridge School District
Columbus School District
DeForest School District
Hartland Lakeside School District 
Kimberly School District 
Lake Geneva School District 
Madison Metropolitan School District
Marshall Public Schools
McFarland School District
Mequon-Thiensville School District 
Middleton Cross Plains Area School District
Monona Grove School District
Oregon School District
Shorewood School District
Stoughton Area School District
Sun Prairie Area School District
Verona Area School District
Waunakee Community School District

How can my district join?

Consortium membership is open to public school districts in Wisconsin. Membership costs are determined by superintendents from member districts on a yearly basis, depending upon the scope of services projected for the coming year.  Costs are then divided among the member districts.

We invite you to become a member of the Dane County New Teacher Project, a place where we continue to learn with and from one another in important and effective ways.  For more information about consortium membership and services provided, please contact Heather Lott

DCNTP is hiring.  Please see the full job description here