Partners For Racial Inclusion


Partners for Racial Inclusion: Supporting New Educators Of Color

Partnerships help us to:

Create a collaborative community grounded in joy • Connect and help navigate the spaces we’re in • Think through challenges • Celebrate amazing work • Create community and belonging across our region • Build a collective network and support system • Create a space for staff to feel at home and bring their authentic selves with other educators of color

Who can join?

  • New and newly-hired educators of color – within the first 3 years of their positions in the Dane County area as an employee of one of the DCNTP districts* 
  • Educators include: teachers, assistants, bilingual specialists, student services staff, and almost all others. (We are not able to serve new administrators at this time. Please reach out and we will do our best to find connections for you.)

Who Leads this work? Experienced educators of color from Dane County New Teacher Project districts have been selected to lead this work.

Two ways to be involved:

Saturday Luncheons

Lunch and fellowship with Partners for Racial Inclusion community

Luncheons Plus Full Partnership

Committed connection with a Lead Partner (Compensated at $50/hour for up to 18 hours throughout the year)

September 30, 2023

December 9, 2023

March 2, 2024

May 18, 2024

Personalized 1:1 processing of your experience, occasional meet-ups with small groups of other new educators of color, and quarterly luncheons with the larger community.